© Paul P. Reuben Ph.D.
Professor of English, Emeritus       Department of English          California State University, Stanislaus

Updated: February 18, 2025             EMail:
| Alphabetical List 462 American Author Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T UV W Y Z |

Ralph Waldo Emerson on Walking: “It is the best of humanity, I think, that goes out to walk. In happy hours all affairs may be wisely postponed for this. . . . It is a fine art; there are degrees of proficiency, and we distinguish the professors from the apprentices. The qualifications are endurance, plain clothes, old shoes, an eye for nature, good-humor, vast curiosity, good speech, good silence, and nothing too much. Good observers have the manners of trees and animals, and if they add words, it is only when words are better than silence. But a vain talker profanes the river and the forest, and is nothing like so good company as a dog.”

Table of Contents


| Chapter 1: Early American Lit to 1700 | Chapter 2: Early American Lit 1700-1800 | Chapter 3: 19th Century Romanticism | Chapter 4: 19th Century Transcendentalism | Chapter 5: Late 19th Century Realism | Chapter 6: Late 19th Century Naturalism | Chapter 7: Early 20th Century and Modernism | Chapter 8: American Drama | Chapter 9: The Harlem Renaissance | Chapter 10: Late 20th Century and Postmodernism |


Appendix A: Useful Resources for Research  Appendix B: Minorities and Women Studies:  African -American Studies  Native-American Studies  Asian-American Studies   Gay & Lesbian Studies   Hispanic & Mexican-American Studies  Jewish-American Studies  Women Studies  Appendix C: American Fiction  Appendix D: Writing Assignments  Appendix E: The Theme of Alienation and Initiation and the Immigrant Experience  Appendix F: Elements of Poetry   Appendix G: Elements of Fiction   Appendix H: Elements of Drama   Appendix I: The MLA Style   Appendix J: Research Topics   Appendix K: American Literary History & Theory   Appendix L: The Frontier in American Literature  Appendix M: Film Criticism and American Literature   Appendix N: American Gothic in Literature   Appendix O: Selected Studies in American Poetry   Appendix P: American Literature and California   Appendix Q: American Folklore  Appendix R: American Humor, Satire, and Wit   Appendix S: The American Dream   Appendix T: Manifest Destiny   Appendix U: Nature, Ecocriticism, & Ecofeminism   Appendix V: The American City in Literature and Culture  | Appendix W: The Changing American Landscape | Appendix X: Contemporary Adoptions of Early American Texts, Authors | Appendix Y: Sympathy in American Literature |

Copyright ©Paul Reuben  All Rights Reserved  PAL Created July 2, 1995