Chapter 10: Late Twentieth Century
and Postmodernism

Lorine Niedecker

© Paul P. Reuben

September 15, 2019

Page Links: | Primary Works | Selected Bibliography 2000-Present | MLA Style Citation of this Web Page |

Site Links: | Chap. 10: Index | Alphabetical List | Table Of Contents | Home Page |

Primary Works


New Goose, 1946; My Friend Tree, 1961; North Central, 1968; T & G: Collected Poems 1936-1966, 1969; My Life By Water: Collected Poems 1936-1968, 1970; Blue Chicory, 1976; The Granite Pail: Selected Poems of Lorine Niedecker, 1985; Harpsichord & Salt Fish, 1991.


Between Your House and Mine: Letters of Lorine Niedecker to Cid Corman, 1960-1970, 1987.

Niedecker and the Correspondence with Zukofsky 1931-1970, 1993.

Poetry & Prose

From This Condensery: The Complete Writings of Lorine Niedecker, 1985.

Collected Works. Penberthy, Jenny (ed. and introd.). Berkeley: U of California P, 2002.

Selected Bibliography 2000-Present

Berry, Eleanor. "Paradoxes of Form in the Poetry of Lorine Niedecker." in Haralson, Eric. ed Reading the Middle Generation Anew: Culture, Community, and Form in Twentieth Century American Poetry. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2006.

DuPlessis, Rachel B. Blue Studios: Poetry and its Cultural Work. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2006.

Hirsch, Edward. Poet's Choice. Orlando: Harcourt, 2006.

Jennison, Ruth. The Zukofsky Era: Modernity, Margins, and the Avant-Garde. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP, 2012.

Peters, Margot. Lorine Niedecker: A Poet's Life. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 2011.

Upton, Lee. Defensive Measures: The Poetry of Niedecker, Bishop, Glück, and Carson. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2005.

Willis, Elizabeth. ed. Radical Vernacular: Lorine Niedecker and the Poetics of Place. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2008.

"Darkinfest" by Armantrout, Rae

"Lorine Niedecker: The Poet in Her Homeplace" by Breslin, Glenna

"Life by Water: Lorine Niedecker and Critical Regionalism" by Davidson, Michael

"Lorine Niedecker's 'Paean to Place' and Its Reflective Fusions" by DuPlessis, Rachel Blau

"Waking into Ideology: Lorine Niedecker's Experiments in the Syntax of Consciousness" by Jennison, Ruth

"The British Niedecker" by Middleton, Peter

"Writing Lake Superior" by Penberthy, Jenny

"Niedecker's Grammar of Flooding" by Pinard, Mary

"How to Do Things with Nothing: Lorine Niedecker Sings the Blues" by Pritchett, Patrick

"Take Oil/and Hum: Niedecker/Bunting" by Quartermain, Peter

"In Phonographic Deep Song: Sounding Niedecker" by Robertson, Lisa

"Music Becomes Story: Lyric and Narrative Patterning in the Work of Lorine Niedecker" by Robinson, Elizabeth

"Life Pops from a Music Box Shaped Like a Gun: Dismemberments and Mendings in Niedecker's Figures" by Sikelianos, Eleni

"Particular Attention: Lorine Niedecker's Natural Histories" by Skinner, Jonathan

"Who Is Sounding? Awakened View, Gaps, Silence, Cage, Niedecker" by Waldman, Anne

"Niedecker/Reznikoff" by Weinberger, Eliot

"The Poetics of Affinity: Niedecker, Morris, and the Art of Work" by Willis, Elizabeth

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 10: Lorine Niedecker." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login).

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