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Selected Bibliography 2000-2005

Adamson, Joni. American Indian Literature, Environmental Justice, and Ecocriticism: The Middle Place. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2001.

Aldama, Arturo J. Disrupting Savagism: Intersecting Chicana/o, Mexican Immigrant, and Native American Struggles for Self-Representation. Durham: Duke UP, 2001.

Ballinger, Franchot. Living Sideways: Tricksters in American Indian Oral Traditions. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 2004.

Beam, Joan, Barbara Branstad, and Jack W. Marken. The Native American in Long Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography: Supplement, 1995-2002. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2003.

Bellin, Joshua D. The Demon of the Continent: Indians and the Shaping of American Literature. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2000.

Bergland, Renée L. The National Uncanny: Indian Ghosts and American Subjects. Hanover, NH: UP of New England, 2000.

Bross, Kristina. Dry Bones and Indian Sermons: Praying Indians in Colonial America. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2004.

Brown, Harry J. Injun Joe's Ghost: The Indian Mixed-Blood in American Writing. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 2004.

Browne, Ray B. Murder on the Reservation: American Indian Crime Fiction: Aims and Achievements. Madison: U of Wisconsin P--Popular, 2004.

Clements, William M. Oratory in Native North America. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2002.

Dreese, Donelle N. Ecocriticism: Creating Self and Place in Environmental and American Indian Literatures. NY: Peter Lang, 2002.

Heflin, Ruth J. "I Remain Alive": The Sioux Literary Renaissance. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2000.

Hicks, Jack, and others. eds. Literature of California, I: Native American Beginnings to 1945. Berkeley: U of California P, 2000.

Huhndorf, Shari M. Going Native: Indians in the American Cultural Imagination. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2001.

Hymes, Dell. 'In Vain I Tried to Tell You': Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2004.

Katanski, Amelia V. Learning to Write 'Indian': The Boarding-School Experience and American Indian Literature. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 2005.

Kidwell, Clara S., Alan Velie, and Robert C. Davis-Undiano. Native American Studies. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2005.

Kroeber, Karl. ed. Native American Storytelling: A Reader of Myths and Legends. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004.

Lincoln, Kenneth. Sing with the Heart of a Bear: Fusions of Native and American Poetry, 1890-1999. Berkeley: U of California P, 2000.

Lundquist, Suzanne. Native American Literatures: An Introduction. NY: Continuum, 2004.

Parker, Robert D. The Invention of Native American Literature. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2003.

Pulitano, Elvira. Toward a Native American Critical Theory. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2003.

Regier, Willis G. ed. Masterpieces of American Indian Literature. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2005.

Sayre, Gordon M. The Indian Chief as Tragic Hero: Native Resistance and the Literatures of America, from Moctezuma to Tecumseh. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2005.

Yellow Robe, William S., Jr. preface. Where the Pavement Ends: Five Native American Plays. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 2000.

Top Selected Bibliography 2006-2010

Bellin, Joshua D. Medicine Bundle: Indian Sacred Performance and American Literature, 1824-1932. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2008.

Carlson, David J. Sovereign Selves: American Indian Autobiography and the Law. Urbana: U of Illinois P. 2006.

Carpenter, Cari M. Seeing Red: Anger, Sentimentality, and American Indians. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2008.

Cox, James H. Muting White Noise: Native American and European American Novel Traditions. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 2006.

Gannon, Thomas C. Skylark Meets Meadowlark: Reimagining the Bird in British Romantic and Contemporary Native American Literature. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2009.

Gruber, Eva. Humor in Contemporary Native North American Literature: Reimagining Nativeness. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2008.

Huhndorf, Shari M. Mapping the Americas: The Transnational Politics of Contemporary Native Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2009.

Kelsey, Penelope M. Tribal Theory in Native American Literature: Dakota and Haudenosaunee Writing and Indigenous Worldviews. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2008.

Krupat, Arnold. All That Remains: Varieties of Indigenous Expression. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2009.

Lee, Kimberli A. ed. 'I Do Not Apologize for the Length of This Letter': The Mari Sandoz Letters on Native American Rights, 1940-1965. Lubbock: Texas Tech UP, 2009.

Lincoln, Kenneth. Speak Like Singing: Classics of Native American Literature. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2007.

Martínez, David. ed. The American Indian Intellectual Tradition: An Anthology of Writings from 1772 to 1972. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2011.

Meldrum, Jeff. Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. NY: Forge, 2006.

Parker, Robert D. ed. Changing Is Not Vanishing: A Collection of Early American Indian Poetry to 1930. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2011.

Rader, Dean. Engaged Resistance: American Indian Art, Literature, and Film from Alcatraz to the Nmai. Austin: U of Texas P, 2011.

Ridington, Robin and Jill. When You Sing It Now, Just Like New: First Nations Poetics, Voices and Representations. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2006.

Schweninger, Lee. Listening to the Land: Native American Literary Responses to the Landscape. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2008.

Sellers, Stephanie A. Native American Autobiography Redefined: A Handbook. NY: Peter Lang, 2007.

Shumaker, Conrad. Southwestern American Indian Literature: In the Classroom and Beyond. NY: Peter Lang, 2008.

Smith, Paul C. Everything You Know about Indians Is Wrong. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2009.

Tate, Michael L. Indians and Emigrants: Encounters on the Overland Trails. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 2006.

Teuton, Christopher B. Deep Waters: The Textual Continuum in American Indian Literature. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2010.

Teuton, Sean K. Red Land, Red Power: Grounding Knowledge in the American Indian Novel. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2008.

Treuer, David. Native American Fictits: Encounters on the Overland Trails. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 2006.

Teuton, Sean K. Red Land, Red Power: Grounding Knowledge in the American Indian Novel. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2008.

Treuer, David. Native American Fiction: A User's Manual. Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf, 2006.

Weaver, Jace and others. American Indian Literary Nationalism. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2006.

Selected Bibliography 2011-Present

Allen, Chadwick. Trans-Indigenous: Methodologies for Global Native Literary Studies. Minneapoli: U of Minnesota P, 2012.

Golla, Victor. California Indian Languages. Berkeley, CA: U of California P, 2011.

Hurst, Mary J. Language, Gender, and Community in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction: American Voices and American Identities. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "PAL: Appendix B: Native American Studies." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login).
