Chapter 10: Late Twentieth Century and Postmodernism
Joseph Bruchac
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BooksThe Next world: poems / by 32 Third World Americans. edited by Joseph Bruchac. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing P, 1978. PS591 .M54 N44
Songs from this Earth on turtle's back: contemporary American Indian poetry. edited by Joseph Bruchac. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review P, 1983. PS591 .I55 S66
Breaking silence: an anthology of contemporary Asian American poets. edited by Joseph Bruchac. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review P, 1983. PS591 .A76 B74
The Light from another country: poetry from American prisons. edited by Joseph Bruchac; with an introduction by Richard Shelton; and an afterword by Michael Hogan. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review P, 1984. PS508 .P7 L54
Survival this way: interviews with American Indian poets. Tucson: Sun Tracks: U of Arizona P, 1987. PS153 .I52 B78x
Keepers of the earth: native American stories and environmental activities for children. Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac; foreword by N. Scott Momaday; illustrations by John Kahionhes Fadden and Carol Wood. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum, 1988. E98 .F6 12
New voices from the longhouse: an anthology of contemporary Iroquois writing. edited by Joseph Bruchac, contributing editors, Maurice Kenny, Karoniaktatie. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review P, 1989. PS508 .I5 N498
Keepers of the animals: Native American stories and wildlife activities for children. Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac; foreword by Vine Deloria, Jr.; story illustrations by John Kahionhes Fadden and Melody Lightfeather; chapter illustrations by D.D. Tyler and Carol Wood. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum Pub., 1991. E98 .F6 11
Turtle meat and other stories. illustrations by Murv Jacob. Duluth, Minn.: Holy Cow! P, 1992. PS3552 .R794 T87
Returning the gift: poetry and prose from the First North American Native Writers' Festival. Joseph Bruchac, editor, with the support of the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1994. PS508 .I5 R48x
On Second Thought: A Compilation. Norman, OK: U of Oklahoma P, 1995.
The story of the Milky Way: a Cherokee tale. by Joseph Bruchac and Gayle Ross; paintings by Virginia A. Stroud. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1995. Juv / Easy B8875 s
Native plant stories. told by Joseph Bruchac; from Keepers of life [by] Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac; foreword by Marilou Awiakta; story illustrations by John Kahionhes Fadden and David Kanietakeron Fadden. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum Pub., 1995. E98 .F6 B915
The boy who lived with the bears: and other Iroquois stories. illustrated by Murv Jacob. NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995. Juv / 398.2 BRU
Native American gardening: stories, projects, and recipes for families. Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac; interior illustrations by Mary Adair, Adelaide Murphy Tyrol, and Carol Wood; foreword by Gary Paul Nabhan; preface by Marjorie Waters. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum Pub., 1996. LT6340 .F85 C33
Lasting echoes: an oral history of Native American people. assemblage and painting by Paul Morin. San Diego: Silver Whistle, 1997. E77.4 .B77
"Many Tongues: Native American Poetry Today." North Dakota Quarterly 55.4 (Fall 1987): 239-44.
"Storytelling and Native American Writing." Halcyon 12 (1990): 35-41.
"Four Directions: Some Thoughts on Teaching Native American Literature." Studies in American Indian Literatures 3.2 (Sumr 1991): 2-7.
"Rooted in Survival: Storytelling and the Future." Wisconsin Academy Review 38.2 (Sprg 1992): 34-36.
"A Good Day to Be Alive: Some Observations on Contemporary American Indian Writing." Studies in American Indian Literatures 5.2 (Sumr 1993): 13-16.
"Cotemporary North American Native Writing." Eds. Joseph Bruchac and Jeanne Perreault. ARIEL 25.1 (Jan 1994). Special Edition.
"The Circle of Stories." Buried Roots and Indestructible Seeds: The Survival of American Indian Life in Story, History, and Spirit. Eds. Mark Linquist, Martin Zanger, and Kimberly Blaeser. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1995. 9-20.
"The Story of All Our Survival." The Spiral of Memory: Interviews. Ed. Laura Coltelli. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1996. 20-35.
"A MELUS Interview: Joseph Bruchac." Ricker, Meredith. MELUS 21.3 (Fall 1996): 159-78.
"Strong Stories." Agni 44 (1996): 167-69.
"The Magic of Words: An Interview with N. Scott Momaday." Conversations with N. Scott Momaday. Ed. Matthias Schubnell. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 96-110.
"Interviews with Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris." Laura Coltelli and Joseph Bruchac. Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine: A Casebook. Ed. Hertha D. Sweet Wong. NY: Oxford UP, 2000. 155-60.
Selected Bibliography 1980-Present
Kurtz, Patti J. "Joseph Bruchac." in Bryson, J. Scott and Roger Thompson. (eds.) Twentieth-Century American Nature Poets. Detroit: Gale, 2008.
MLA Style Citation of this Web Page
Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 10: Joseph Bruchac." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: http://www.paulreuben.website/pal/chap10/bruchac.html (provide page date or date of your login).
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