Chapter 10: Late Twentieth Century and Postmodernism
Li-Young Lee
Page Links: | Primary Works | Selected Bibliography 1980-Present | MLA Style Citation of this Web Page |
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Source: Univ.
of Chicago
Rose: poems. Brockport, NY: BOA Editions, 1986. PS3562 .E35438 R6The city in which I love you: poems. Brockport, NY: BOA Editions, 1990. PS3562 .E35438 C58
The winged seed: a remembrance. Saint Paul, Minn.: Ruminator Books, 1999, 1995. PS3562 .E35438 W56
Book of my nights: poems. NY: BOA Editions, 2001. PS3562 .E35438 B66
Selected Bibliography 1980-Present
Cheung, King K. Words Matter: Conversations with Asian American Writers. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 2000. ("Li-Young Lee," by Lee, James Kyung-Jin)
- - -. "Art, Spirituality, and the Ethic of Care: Alternative Masculinities in Chinese American Literature." in Gardiner, Judith K. ed. Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions. NY: Columbia UP, 2002.
Davis, Rocío G. "Li-Young Lee." in Madsen, Deborah L. ed. Asian American Writers. Detroit: Gale, 2005.
Fox, Alan. ed. Rattle Conversations: Interviews with Contemporary American Poets. Los Angeles, CA: Red Hen, 2008.
Hirsch, Edward. Poet's Choice. Orlando: Harcourt, 2006.
Partridge, Jeffrey F. L. Beyond Literary Chinatown. Seattle: U of Washington P, 2007.
Wang, Dorothy J. Thinking Its Presence: Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Asian American Poetry. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2013.
Xu, Wenying. "An Exile's Will to Canon and Its Tension with Ethnicity: Li-Young Lee." in Bona, Mary Jo and Maini, Irma. eds. Multiethnic Literature and Canon Debates. Albany: State U of New York P, 2006.
- - -. Eating Identities: Reading Food in Asian American Literature. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 2008.
Zhou, Xiaojing. "'Your Otherness Is Perfect as My Death': The Ethics and Aesthetics of Li-Young Lee's Poetry." Fahraeus, Anna and Jonsson, AnnKatrin. eds. Textual Ethos Studies or Locating Ethics. NY: Rodopi, 2005.
MLA Style Citation of this Web Page
Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 10: Li-Young Lee." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: http://www.paulreuben.website/pal/chap10/lee.html (provide page date or date of your login).| Top |