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Source: Norton Poets Online

Primary Works

White Buildings, 1926; The Bridge, 1930; Collected Poems, 1933; Hart Crane & Yvor Winters: Their Literary Correspondence, ed. Thomas F. Parkinson, 1978.

Hart Crane's The Bridge: An Annotated Edition. Kramer, Lawrence. ed. NY: Fordham UP, 2011.

Selected Bibliography 1980-Present

Clark, David R. ed. Critical essays on Hart Crane. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982. PS3505.R272 Z65

Djos, Matts G. Writing Under the Influence: Alcoholism and the Alcoholic Perception from Hemingway to Berryman. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Fisher, Clive. Hart Crane: A Life. New Haven: Yale UP, 2002.

Gabriel, Daniel. Hart Crane and the Modernist Epic: Canon and Genre Formation in Crane, Pound, Eliot, and Williams. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

Hughes, Evan. Literary Brooklyn: The Writers of Brooklyn and the Story of American City Life. NY: Holt, 2011.

Hart Crane's Poetry: 'Appollinaire Lived in Paris, I Live in Cleveland, Ohio'

By: Irwin, John T. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP; 2011.

Mariani, Paul. The Broken Tower: A Life of Hart Crane. NY: Norton, 1999.

Norton-Smith, John. A Reader's Guide to Hart Crane's White Buildings. NY: Mellen, 1993.

Reed, Brian M. Hart Crane: After His Lights. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2006.

Schultz, Susan M. A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2005.

Schwartz, Joseph. Hart Crane, a reference guide. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1983. Z8198.1 .S343

Snediker, Michael D. Queer Optimism: Lyric Personhood and Other Felicitous Persuasions. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013.

Trachtenberg, Alan. ed. Hart Crane: a collection of critical essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, 1982. PS3505 .R272 Z673

Yingling, Thomas E. Hart Crane and the homosexual text: new thresholds, new anatomies. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1990. PS3505 .R272 Z93

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 7: Hart Crane." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login).

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