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Modern American Poetry: HD (photo source)

Primary Works

Sea Garden, 1916; Collected Poems, 1923; Palimsest, 1926; Hedylus, 1928; By Avon River, 1949; Tribute to Freud, 1956; Bid me to Live (A MAdrigal), 1960; Helen in Egypt, 1961; Hermetic Definition, 1972; Trilogy, 1944-46, 1973; HERmione, 1981; Collected Poems, 1912-1944, 1983; Paint It Today, 1992; Asphodel, 1992.

Collected poems of H.D. NY: Liveright, 1940, 1925. PS3501 .O726 A17

Hippolytus temporizes; a play in three acts. NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1927. PS3507.O726 H5

Selected poems. NY: Grove Press 1957. PS3507 .O726 A17

Bid me to live, a madrigal. NY: Grove Press 1960. PS3507 .O726 B5

Palimpsest. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1968. PS3507 O726 P3

Trilogy: The walls do not fall, Tribute to the angels, The flowering of the rod. NY: New Directions, 1973. PS3507 .O726 T74

Helen in Egypt. NY: New Directions, 1974, 1961. PS3507 .O726 H37

Sea garden. NY: St. Martin's P, 1975. PS3507 .O726 S4

Hedylus. Redding Ridge, CT: Black Swan Books, 1980. PS3507.O726 H3

HERmione. NY: New Directions, 1981. PS3507 .O726 H47

Collected poems, 1912-1944. NY: New Directions, 1983. PS3507 .O726 A6

Tribute to Freud. NY: New Direction, 1984, 1974. RC464 .H2 A37

Asphodel. Durham: Duke UP, 1992. PS3507 .O726 A93

Selected Bibliography 1980-Present

Boughn, Michael. H.D.: a bibliography, 1905-1990. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1993. PS3507 .O726 Z56x

Collecott, Diana. H.D. and Sapphic Modernism, 1910-1950. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Debo, Annette. The American H. D. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2012.

DuPlessis, Rachel B. H.D., the career of that struggle. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1986. PS3507 .O726 Z62

Friedman, Susan S. Analyzing Freud: Letters of H. D., Bryher, and their Circle. NY: New Directions, 2002.

Goodspeed-Chadwick, Julie. Modernist Women Writers and War: Trauma and the Female Body in Djuna Barnes, H. D., and Gertrude Stein. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2011.

Guest, Barbara. Herself defined: the poet H.D. and her world. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1984. PS3507 .O726 Z68

Hickman, Miranda B. The Geometry of Modernism: The Vorticist Idiom in Lewis, Pound, H. D., and Yeats. Austin: U of Texas P, 2005.

Hollenberg, Donna K. ed. Between History and Poetry: The Letters of H.D. and Norman Holmes Pearson. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1997.

Howe, Florence. ed. No more masks!: an anthology of twentieth-century American women poets. NY: HarperPerennial, 1993. PS589 .N58

Korg, Jacob. Winter Love: Ezra Pound and H. D. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 2003.

Robinson, Janice S. H.D., the life and work of an American poet. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982. PS3507 .O726 Z85

Showalter, Elaine. ed. The Vintage Book of American Women Writers. NY: Vintage, 2011.

Tabron, Judith. Postcolonial Literature from Three Continents: Tutuola, H. D., Ellison, and White. NY: Peter Lang, 2003.

Vetter, Lara. Modernist Writings and Religio-Scientific Discourse: H. D., Loy, and Toomer. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 7: H.D." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login). 

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