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Primary Works

Miss Lonelyhearts: a novel. NY: New Directions, 1933. PS3545 .E8334 D39 1965

Novels & other writings. NY: Library of America, 1997. PS3545 .E8334 A6

Dream life of Balso Snell, 1931; Miss Lonelyhearts, 1933; Cool million, 1934; Day of the locust, 1939.

Selected Bibliography 1980-Present

Barnard, Rita. The Great Depression and the culture of abundance: Kenneth Fearing, Nathanael West, and mass culture in the 1930s. NY: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Bombaci, Nancy. Freaks in Late Modernist American Culture: Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes, Tod Browning, and Carson McCullers. NY: Peter Lang, 2006.

Cerasulo, Tom. Authors Out Here: Fitzgerald, West, Parker, and Schulberg in Hollywood. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 2010.

Dunne, Michael. Calvinist Humor in American Literature. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2007.

Fahy, Thomas. Freak Shows and the Modern American Imagination: Constructing the Damaged Body from Willa Cather to Truman Capote. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Long, Robert E. Nathanael West. NY: Ungar, 1985.

Retman, Sonnet. Real Folks: Race and Genre in the Great Depression. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2011.

Schreier, Benjamin. The Power of Negative Thinking: Cynicism and the History of Modern American Literature. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 2009.

Siegel, Ben. (ed). Critical essays on Nathanael West. NY: G.K. Hall, 1994.

Veitch, Jonathan. American superrealism: Nathanael West and the politics of representation in the 1930s. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1997.

Widmer, Kingsley. Nathanael West. Boston: Twayne, 1982.

MLA Style Citation of this Web Page

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 7: Nathanael West." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: (provide page date or date of your login).

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