Chapter 8: American Drama
Thornton Niven
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(Photo source: The
TNW Web Site)
Plays The cabala, 1926; The bridge of San Luis Rey, 1927; The angel that troubled the waters, and other plays, 1928; The woman of Andros, 1930; Our Town A Play In Three Acts , 1933; The long Christmas dinner, 1934; Heaven's my destination, 1935; The merchant of Yonkers; a farce in four acts (with Oxenford, John, and Nestroy, Johann, 1939; The Skin Of Our Teeth , 1942; The ides of March, 1948; he Matchmaker: Revised from the Merchant of Yonkers , 1955; Three plays: Our town, The skin of our teeth, The matchmaker, 1957; Childhood ; Infancy , 1960; The long Christmas dinner, & other plays in one act. Introduction by John Gassner, 1963; The eighth day, 1968; Theophilus North, 1973; The Alcestiad or, A life in the sun a play in three acts, with a satyr play, The drunken sisters, 1977; American characteristics and other essays, 1979.Novels The Cabala, 1926; The Bridge Of San Luis Rey, 1927; Woman Of Andros, 1930; Heaven's My Destination, 1935; The Ides Of March, 1948; The Eighth Day, 1967; Theopolis North, 1973; The Alcestiad or A Life In The Sun (published postmortem), 1977.
The Selected Letters of Thornton Wilder. Wilder, Robin G. ed. NY: Harcourt, 2008.
Selected Bibliography 1980-Present
Adler, Stella. Stella Adler on America's Master Playwrights: Eugene O'Neill, Clifford Odets, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee, et al. NY: Knopf, 2012.
Blank, Martin. Critical essays on Thornton Wilder. NY: G.K. Hall, 1996. PS3545 .I345 Z645
Burns, Edward. ed. The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder. New Haven: Yale UP, 1996.
Castronovo, David. Thornton Wilder. NY: Ungar, 1986. PS3545 .I345 Z58
Konkle, Lincoln. Thornton Wilder and the Puritan Narrative Tradition. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 2006.
Lifton, Paul. Vast encyclopedia: the theatre of Thornton Wilder. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood P, 1995. PS3545 .I345 Z77
Niven, Penelope. Thornton Wilder: A Life. NY: HarperCollins, 2012.
Walsh, Claudette. Thornton Wilder: a reference guide, 1926-1990. NY: G.K. Hall, 1993. PS3545 .I345 Z93
Wilder, Amos N. Thornton Wilder and his public. Philadelphia: Fortress P, 1980. PS3545.I345 Z96
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Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 8: Thorton Niven Wilder." PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. URL: http://www.paulreuben.website/pal/chap8/wilder.html (provide page date or date of your login).| Top |